
The college has put in measures to support needy students .This is aimed at ensuring needy students have a chance to settle down and concentrate on their studies. It is coordinated through the office of the Assistant Dean of students.

Sources of funding

1. Through budgetary allocation from the Principals office

2. Bursary allocation from the Dean of students’ office main campus

3. Direct support from well wishers

For a student to benefit, they need to apply and register as needy Students with the Dean of students after which they are given a serial number .The serial number is quoted every time a student requests for support

Assistance is in form of Bursary, support with meals and upkeep and through the work study programme where a student dedicates some hours to work mainly in the Library and the same is paid for depending on the number of hours worked. This is subject to availability of funds.( should we put this?)

We also sign students HELB and Bursary forms